Tuesday, September 8, 2009

One year later!

I will never make Gill get shots on his birthday again...he won't remember -- I hope. He cried from the moment they took his clothes off to get weighed till about 15 seconds after his shots. Then he acted like nothing ever happened!? He's also teething again - finally. We thought he was only going to have his 2 bottom teeth for the rest of his life. Now he's getting his 2 front teeth. The doctor asked us if we were giving Gill whole milk. Trey & I looked at each other and lied, "Yes, we are." Trey does the grocery shopping & didn't know to buy whole milk instead of 2%! Oh well, he's still alive and we practiced our lying to the doctor.

One Year Stats:
Height: 31.5" - 90%
Weight: 23 lb 10 oz - 90%
Head: 18.5" - 70%

1 comment:

Vivian said...

You crack me up - liar! Love that double chin Gill!